To implement effective ways of working in more loving, caring ways To fulfil a visionary mission for a moral compass of universal human values
This is The Vision and Mission of
Love in the Boardroom
‘Love in the Boardroom’ is an ongoing research project into leadership and organisational development.
For this purpose, we explore the Vision and Mission of Love in the Boardroom .
We achieve this through interviews with 70 key global leaders, over 100 management and development consultants and more than 200 business studies students.
In addition, this information is supplemented by extensive inquiry into the current practices and literature of organisational development, business and personal growth.
The results are in preparation for publication as a series of books and papers. TThis means that the practical and effective findings and insights will be available through workshops and seminars, consulting and coaching.
We are members of one great body, planted by nature in a mutual love and fitted for a social life. We must consider that we were born for the good of the whole. Seneca _________________________________________________________________
Christine Miller MA
Vision and Values
Our vision and mission for ‘Love in the Boardroom’ is to demonstrate the significant importance of values and qualities including love, altruism, empathy, caring, compassion to the business and organisational world. This uses my established reputation through ReSource Magazine, and long term familiarity with human development, psychology, spiritual and business paradigms. The intention is to bring a more caring way and culture of compassion into active being in society.
I am well positioned with trust, credibility, skills and ability to relate to people from the business and organisational world. I am privileged to speak, and to open and facilitate debates around topics such as compassion and caring, values, spirit and love in the workplace and in daily life.
Bridging the Gap
Our role is that of stepping between these worlds and bridging the gap, respecting the views and methods in existence. At the same time, making the ‘emotional intelligence’ side of working life more palatable and welcomed as a necessary (and challenging) component for resilience and profitable thriving rather than an optional soft skill.
A New Vision for Decision Makers and Influencers: Out With Time, Fear and the Bottom Line
The boardrooms, inner circles and top level policy meetings of our major institutions and organisations remain the prime places where decisions influencing the future take place. The culture predominating in these upper echelons still tends to be underpinned by the prime concerns of time, fear and the bottom line.
A new paradigm for business and the way our world operates, if we are to survive and thrive, depends for its emergence and adoption on creating a more sustainable, compassionate, trusting atmosphere and environment.
Visions of Insights, Impact, and Increase
Love in the Boardroom offers insights into current practice and recommends strategies for different, more productive and happier working environments. With ongoing research into effective means of operating in a more loving and compassionate manner based on a moral compass of universal human values, Love in the Boardroom explores how corporates and other organisations can position themselves both to increase profitability and value, and maximise their beneficial societal impact.
What would a communal heart be like? What would have to happen to bring such a thing into being around one conference table or in a single committee meeting—or in a single church? What would have to be left outside the door? —Gail Godwin